Saturday, 27 August 2011

more of Sask

better pic of those underwater bales

stooks of hay on roadside
making use of all hay ground

Tamara with the "Tisdale Bee"

Saskatchewan!!! and Tamara

Tamara sleeping on "her"couch!!

sign says it all

apparently, this has never been a "lake" before...lots of water still in Sask in Regina area

bottom row of bales underwater...still. They were when we left in June as well

Tamara and Keith

great to have her come down for a visit

Friday, 19 August 2011

We will soon be heading back to Canada!!! Will be good to be back. Probably next week sometime we will be heading out,,,depending on if many more jobs come up here. Crop is soon ready in saskatchewan.
Was great to have angie and allan here last weekend...and now Tamara is here with us till end of month. Yeah!! It sure is hard to believe to look at the calendar and realize tht summer is almost over....but the temperatures at night are telling us that too. Hope all is well with those that read this.
a small village tucked in a valley....many are like that here

Falls at Great Falls...about half hour from where we are

The Missouri River...just to the left beyond the pic is Fort Benton.
Dennis and Keith waiting for a truck

had 2 combines from an Albertan crew help out for a few days...and they were red!!!

all 5 combines full waiting on trucks

my meeting with a rattle snake...he was dead though...fortunately. I do not like snakes..dead or alive

some Montana landscape.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Angie and Allan came for the weekend!!!! Nice to see her baby bubble

some scenery near Great Falls